Quantitative Data Analysis
- Define quantitative data analysis and descriptive statistics
- Define cultural responsiveness
- Define equitable education
- Introduce and examine district-wide data in the Civil Rights Data Collection
- Analyze, interpret, and reflect on data from the Civil Rights Data Collection using a culturally responsive and equitable educational lens
Time Commitment
- 3-4 Class Sessions
The purpose of this module is to help prepare undergraduate students and teacher candidates to read and analyze quantitative data using a culturally responsive and equitable lens. A second purpose is to become familiar with the district wide quantitative data from the Civil Rights Data Collection in order to make equitable, informed, and culturally responsive decisions for learners. Culturally responsive data literacy (CRDL) has become a sine qua non of effective teaching in a multicultural society. An equity-oriented approach to data transcends the current accountability-driven data model focused primarily on raising student scores.
Assessment Activity
Complete a quantitative research memo analyzing the disparities in the Civil Rights Data Collection and reflecting on ways to address those disparities.